Why Limit Your Analysis with MS/MS?

In your application work, you need the power to analyze even the most complex samples. MS/MS can restrict your analysis due to its targeted nature, giving you “tunnel vision” and causing you to potentially miss key analytes. Our Pegasus BT 4D is the solution to coelution. You won’t limit your analysis with GCxGC-TOFMS as it provides the complete picture while also transforming your lab’s productivity. You’ll save time, improve your sample throughput, and increase confidence in your analyte identification, without missing a thing.

This video from Pittcon 2018 explains the benefits of this benchtop GCxGC-TOFMS system, including its unique software and hardware features to simplify quantitation.

The Pegasus BT 4D has the ability to interrogate challenging samples where the best sensitivity is needed. Unique and powerful software and hardware features simplify quantitation, while also dramatically making GCxGC easy to use and understand. The StayClean® ion source eliminates the need for source cleaning, while a convenient benchtop package saves valuable space in the laboratory. The Pegasus BT 4D will give you more uptime, and improved, richer chemical data, yielding an increase in overall laboratory efficiency.

Looking to learn more about how the Pegasus BT 4D can transform you analysis? 

Download the Brochure to learn more
