We are introducing a short series of blog posts to explore the benefits of the Dumas method of protein determination with a focus on milk and milk products.
Etiqueta: organic
Choosing the Right Sample Container for Organic Analysis
When determining total nitrogen (or protein) of a sample using LECO’s FP828, it is crucial to select the right sample container for the job. Several key considerations must be taken into account, like the sample mass capacities of the container, compatibility of the container with the matrix, ash production, and more.
Building Strong Foundations Webinars
Learn more about construction materials, especially cement, in this upcoming webinar series from LECO.
Soil Moisture Measurements with the TGM800
Soil moisture is one of the most important factors for determining soil health, which determines the output of your fields. See how an automated thermogravimetric analyzer like the TGM800 can ease your worries.
Determining the Strength of Coal
Despite a growing call for renewable energy sources, the market for coal has remained strong. Determine the strength of your coal with LECO’s CHN828.
Protein-Rich Pet Food
How much protein is in your pet food? As pet ownership grows and pet owners are becoming more particular about their pets’ meals, novel protein sources are in high demand. Measure your protein with LECO’s FP828!
Biomass to Markets: Determining Value
As interest in biomass grows, finding ways to make it more efficient are top priority. Learn how efficient your biomass can be by measuring it with the CHN828 elemental determinator.
Old Traditions for a New Year
Food plays a big role in New Year’s celebrations around the world. How do you celebrate the new year?
Have you scheduled your annual physical?
Make sure you’re getting the most out of your instruments by protecting them with a comprehensive maintenance plan.
Dairy Determination with the FP928
Dairy is a rapidly growing market, largely due to the interest in dairy protein. Learn how a Dumas method determinator like the FP928 can make protein analysis easy.
Fields of Fortune: Analyzing Crops with the 828 and 928 Series
Learn how farmers can rely on something more scientific than a crystal ball with an on-demand webinar about carbon and nitrogen analysis in fields.
Total Organic Carbon with Two Methods
There’s more than one way to determine the total organic carbon in your samples. Understand your options with this on-demand webinar by LECO’s Jeffery Gast.
Beyond the Label: Food Safety Testing
How can you trust the nutritional facts on your food labels? Enforcement labs like Kent Scientific Services test thousands of food samples to keep adulterated food off your shelves.
Esperança para o futuro: um podcast de ciência medido
LECO is collaborating with Convoy of Hope in their new Center for Agriculture & Food Security! Listen to the latest podcast with Dr. Jason Streubel to learn how!
Enxofre nos Campos: S832 e CNS928
Learn how to optimize your sulfur analysis with an on-demand webinar as part of our Agricultural Analysis webinar series.
The Next Cornerstone
Cornerstone 3.1.0 is coming, and with it a fresh new look for the workhorses of your lab!
Escaping Helium: Helium Shortage 4.0
With helium shortage after helium shortage, it has never been more important to find ways to minimize your helium usage.
Beer and Brats: A Protein-Packed Fourth of July Tradition
Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink in the world, but what American holiday consumes the most beer?
Kjeldahl vs Dumas: Modern Protein Analysis
Why is the Dumas method beating out the classic Kjeldahl method in modern instruments? Learn more about these two protein determination methods with our white paper!
Automating Better Water: The TGA and Water Treatment
Learn how automated thermogravimetric analysis is helping the Veritas water treatment facility stay on top of their sludge!