LECO’s “Mobile Laboratory” to Appear at ACS Fall 2024

The fall meeting of the American Chemical Society is sure to be a great one with all that LECO is bringing to the table… or should I say, booth? The conference takes place in just over a week on August 18-22nd in Denver, Colorado. For those of you who plan to attend, you’re in for a real treat!Pegasus BTX - Benchtop GC and GCxGC TOF-MS

At LECO’s booth, #505, you’ll meet our friendly and knowledgeable team, alongside our brand-new mass spectrometer, the Pegasus® BTX! It’s our smallest MS to date, with femtogram-level sensitivity. Get an up-close look at our innovative new instrument and have all your questions answered while there.

While we’re so excited to talk about our new instrument with you, the BTX isn’t the only newsworthy item we’ll be bringing with us—be sure to head over by the pickleball courts and check out our Mobile Lab! That’s right, we put our state-of-the-art instrumentation inside of a bus so that we can bring the science right to you. Touring the US throughout the year, our completely self-contained and self-powered Mobile Labs make stops in several states, allowing those that are far away to get a hands-on experience with our products.  The bus that will be appearing at ACS Fall has been dubbed the “Separation Science Mobile Lab,” as it carries not just one, but two Pegasus BTX TOFMS systems.  These GCxGC-enabled systems feature both LECO’s QuadJet Thermal modulator and the Paradigm flow modulator to display the full range of separation capabilities available. On-board data stations allow visitors to explore their data with LECO’s powerful ChromaTOF® software. Other instruments aboard the bus include LECO’s CS744; a Carbon/Sulfur analyzer, the CN828; a Carbon/Nitrogen analyzer, the TGM800; a thermogravimetric moisture determinator, and the AMH-55 Lite; a hardness tester for metallographic analysis. If you’re interested in having one of your own samples run while at the show, contact us today and we may be able to secure you a spot! And, after checking out all the features of our Mobile Lab, don’t forget to grab some free LECO swag on your way out!

Lastly, if you’re interested in having one of our Mobile Labs come to YOU, please take a moment to fill out this request form and let us know how a visit from us would be beneficial for you. We love visiting new and existing customers! Hope to see you at ACS Fall!
