Getting the Most Out of Your Battery Material Analysis: Optimization of Carbon/Sulfur Combustion Techniques
24 April 2025
10,00 AM EST
Presented by: Lauren Heirty, LECO Corporation
With the rise in popularity and accessibility of electric vehicles and energy storage needs worldwide, interest in Lithium-ion batteries has surged. Recent government initiatives and incentives in many countries have intensified the search for the best Lithium-ion battery chemistries. LECO offers high-quality, rapid analyzers to aid in the quality control and characterization of battery materials across all parts of the supply chain. This webinar will focus on Carbon and Sulfur determination of two commonly used cathode chemistries.
Join us for a 30-minute webinar where Lauren Heirty, LECO Analytical Chemist, will compare the LECO Carbon and Sulfur analyzers and discuss where these instruments can fit into your battery analyses workflow.