Seminários em vídeo

Exibição  20  de 105 seminários em vídeo
Título e descrição
GCxGC Analysis Workflow with ChromaTOF Tile

Small time savings throughout the workflow can add up to big savings. See aroma and flavor examples of how automated sample prep and elevated Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOFMS) analysis, followed by software solutions to compare and evaluate data and results, can save your lab time and resources.

Fast GC/Hydrogen Method Transfer – Overview and Examples

Helium is becoming an increasingly limited natural resource; using Hydrogen to achieve increased chromatographic throughput in GC applications is attractive. Both have advantages and disadvantages. LECO experts investigated the use of Hydrogen as a carrier gas for GC-TOF-MS analysis. Nick Jones, LECOs Global Application and Development Director (Separation Sciences) presents the method transfer approaches used, the technological benefits, and application examples in the presentation below.

Enhanced GC-MS Workflow Solutions

With ever-increasing demands on your time, labor, and resources, optimizing your workflow is essential. Learn best approaches from GC-TOFMS experts to enhance your one- and two-dimensional gas chromatography applications (GC-MS and GCxGC-MS) in this webinar.

GC-MS Analysis Workflow utilizing ChromaTOF Sync

Small time savings throughout the workflow can add up to big savings. See aroma and flavor examples of how automated sample prep and elevated Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOFMS) analysis, followed by software solutions to compare and evaluate data and results, can save your lab time and resources.

Environmental Forensic Investigation of Wastewater Applied to Agricultural Fields – What Do We Not Know, and How Do We Find It?

How do we find what we don't specifically look for? This presentation will look at non-target GCxGC for environmental forensics, or exposomic analysis, of wastewater, specifically the semivolatile organic fraction, and what can be done when discovered non-targets may present health impacts. Frank L. Dorman, Penn State University Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology & Dartmouth College Dept of Chemistry

Carbon and Nitrogen Determination in Soils, Plant Tissue, and Fertilizers by Combustion Analysis

Carbon and nitrogen are two of the primary nutrients of vital importance to the physiology of plants. Carbon content in soil plays in important role in the growth and development of plants. Plant foods or fertilizers with blends of multiple plant nutrients often including nitrogen. The amount of nitrogen in the fertilizer is optimized for the plant type that is being grown. The LECO 828 and 928 series of determinators can quantify the amount of carbon and nitrogen in soils, fertilizers, and plants. This webinar will focus on quantifying both carbon and nitrogen in these matrices.

Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Determination in Soil Using Acid Treatment and Temperature Differentiation

The presentation will outline TOC determination in soil using two different approaches. First, we will explore the use of acid treatment of the soil to remove carbonates followed by analysis using conventional combustion techniques. Next, we will explore using a ramped furnace temperature approach to differentiate organic and inorganic carbon species. TOC results from both approaches will be presented. Jeffrey Gast

Sulfur Determination in Plant Tissue, Soils, and Fertilizers by Combustion Analysis

Sulfur is one of the essential macronutrients required for plant growth, aiding the formation of amino acids and proteins, as well as chlorophyll formation. Initiatives to reduce sulfur emissions have led to less sulfur being deposited in soil, causing an increased use of sulfur-containing fertilizers; resulting in an increased demand for sulfur determination in fertilizers, soils and plant tissue. This webinar will outline several combustion based approaches for sulfur determination in these materials. Lloyd Allen

Webinar: Sulfur Determination in Soils, Plant Tissues, and Fertilizers

Utilizing LECO 832 and 928 Instrument Series for Sulfur Determination

Thermogravimetric Determination of Moisture/Ash in Soils and Plant Tissues

Water content in soil and plant tissue is an important parameter that can influence crop growth, yield, and quality. In addition, moisture plays an important role in commerce and storage of food products. Determination of ash in soil can be used to approximate the organic content of the soil.

Thermogravimetric Determination of Moisture and Ash in Soils and Plant Tissue Materials

Water content in soil and plant tissue is an important parameter that can influence crop growth, yield, and quality. In addition, moisture plays an important role in commerce and storage of food products. Determination of ash in soil can be used to approximate the organic content of the soil. This webinar will review the Thermogravimetric determination of moisture and ash in soil and plant tissue. Jeffrey Gast

Higher Library Match Confidence with IGS

History and development of LECO Identification Grading System (IGS), developed from involvement in EPA's Non-Targeted Analysis Collaborative Trial (ENTACT). Presented by Todd Richards, LECO Separation Sciences Service Manager, as part of the LECO 2020 GCxGC Symposium.

ChromaTOF Classification Tools

Christina Kelly (LECO Applications Chemist) demonstrates how to use the classification tools of ChromaTOF® software. Presented as a portion of the LECO 2020 GCxGC Symposium.

Flavor Ingredient Analyses through GC-MS

Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry data can be analyzed to determine region of origin of various ingredients, such as vanilla or cinnamon, based on known analytes. Marlene Moskowitz, Senior Scientist, McCormick & Company, discusses how their labs utilize GCMS to determine product flavor profiles.

Challenges and solutions in aroma profiling

The Pegasus BT 4D determines key aromatic compounds in pumpernickel bread; GCxGC benefits for the analysis of beer and hops samples. Presented by Lena Dubois and Liz Humston-Fulmer, LECO Corporation.

Towards Better Tasting Vegetarian Foods

An overview of GCxGC mass spectrometry and improved flavors in vegetarian foods. ChromaTOF Tile was utilized to review chromatography data. Presented by Hans-Gerd Janssen, Science Leader Unilever Research, Professor Recognition-based Analytic Chemistry at Wageningen University & Research, and Ed Rosing, Analytical Flavour Scientist at Unilever R&D Vlaardingen.

Breath Analysis – Investigating the Human Volatome

Copresenters Renee Cataneo & Mayur Mundada [Menssana Research Inc.] discuss data obtained through GCxGC TOF-MS analysis of breath samples. Originally presented 20 September 2012.

Complete Metallographic Solutions

FP-CN828 Elemental Determination Demo Video

Watch our CN/FP828 in action with this brief operational demonstration video. The CN/FP828 is a macro combustion analyzer that can determine Carbon, Nitrogen, and crude protein values for a variety of matrices. Video includes a sample analysis overview, instrument operation overview, the instrument theory of operation, data and software capabilities, and available support and service for customers. 

StayClean Ion Source: Changing the Filament

The StayClean Ion Source dramatically reduces system downtime. The only maintenance this source requires is periodic filament replacement. This video walks through the simple process of changing the filament.
