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Determination of Moisture in Welding Flux

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The American Welding Society (AWS) method A4.4M:2001 (R2006) “Standard Procedures for Determination of Moisture Content of Welding Fluxes and Welding Electrode Flux Coatings” outlines the appropriate methodology for sample preparation and analysis for this application. Moisture content in the flux can be correlated to the hydrogen content in the weld metal, and to varying degrees, the potential for hydrogen embrittlement. Clearly, determination of moisture content in welding flux is necessary to understand the quality of the final weld. Join us to learn how the LECO RC612 can be utilized to quantify the moisture present in welding flux samples, as outlined by AWS A4.4:2001 (R2006). Adam Darling, Analytical Chemist, LECO Corporation

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