Analise Termica Video

Exibição  9  de 9 Analise Termica video
Título e descrição
Kjeldahl vs Dumas – How do you Determine Protein?

Explore the differences between the Kjeldahl and Dumas methods and describe the benefits of the latter. We also cover the advantages of the ballast/aliquot principle, provide analytical examples, and conduct a live demonstration, followed by a Q&A session.

Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Determination in Soil Using Acid Treatment and Temperature Differentiation

The presentation will outline TOC determination in soil using two different approaches. First, we will explore the use of acid treatment of the soil to remove carbonates followed by analysis using conventional combustion techniques. Next, we will explore using a ramped furnace temperature approach to differentiate organic and inorganic carbon species. TOC results from both approaches will be presented. Jeffrey Gast

Thermogravimetric Determination of Moisture and Ash in Soils and Plant Tissue Materials

Water content in soil and plant tissue is an important parameter that can influence crop growth, yield, and quality. In addition, moisture plays an important role in commerce and storage of food products. Determination of ash in soil can be used to approximate the organic content of the soil. This webinar will review the Thermogravimetric determination of moisture and ash in soil and plant tissue. Jeffrey Gast

Moisture/LOI Determination in Cement, Fly ash, Gypsum and Lime

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is a widely used technique for Moisture or Loss on Ignition (LOI) determination in various materials. This webinar will explore enhancements in the method technique to characterize mass loss in specified materials using LECO TGA instruments. The methods discussed will include Split Loss in Cement, LOI in Combustion Residues following ASTM D7348, LOI in Flue Gas Desulfurization Solids following ASTM D8339 and Moisture and LOI in Hydrated Lime. | Presented by Jeffery Gast, Lead Analytical Chemist

Automated Thermogravimetric Moisture Determination of Meat and Semi-Solid Food Products

One of the most common moisture determination methods is a manual mass loss on drying using an air oven following the AOAC Moisture in Meat Method (950.46). Lloyd Allen will talk about how an automated thermogravimetric moisture instrument, such as the TGM800, meets the AOAC Official Method's requirements for sample mass, oven temperature, and air flow requirements while also reducing operator and analysis times, improving precision and workflow efficiency.

Automated Thermogravimetric Determination of Moisture and Ash in Flour

The AOAC Official Method (925.10) Solids (Total) and Moisture in Flour utilizes a manual, air oven, loss-on-drying technique that is widely used in the food industry. AOAC Official Method (923.03) Ash in Flour also utilizes a manual, air oven, loss-on-drying technique. Learn from Jeffery Gast how an automated thermogravimetric moisture determination instrument like the TGA801 can follow both of the AOAC Official Methods' requirements for oven temperature and airflow while also reducing operator and analysis times, improving workflow efficiency.

Moisture and Loss-on-Drying in Cannabis

Jeff Gast [LECO] discusses an approach for determining proper temperature and analytical gas composition to provide the most accurate moisture value in cannabis, utilizing the RC612 and TGM800.

Developing Methodology for Moisture Determination in Cannabis

Jeff Gast [LECO] presents an approach for determining proper temperature and analytical gas composition to provide the most accurate moisture value in cannabis, utilizing the RC612 and TGM800.

Introduction to LECO Service and Support