Soluções da LECO para combustíveis

Designed for combustíveis

Série 828

Série 828

Análise de combustão macro para determinador de carbono, hidrogênio, nitrogênio e proteína

Explore Série 828


Calorímetro isoperibol para poder calórico bruto

Explore AC500


Calorímetro isoperibol semiautomático para poder calórico bruto

Explore AC600


Determinador de fusibilidade de cinzas de carvão e de coque

Explore AF700


Análise termogravimétrica de umidade, cinzas, conteúdo volátil e perda por ignição

Explore TGA801

Notas de aplicação

Saiba mais com nossas últimas notas de aplicação combustíveis.

  • Quantitation of Olefin Content in Plastic-Derived Pyrolysis Oils – QuadJet SD

    Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GCxGC-FID) has proven to be one of the most effective analytical methods for analyzing complex mixtures, allowing for the detailed separation and identification of the hydrocarbons present while providing efficient, high-resolution chromatographic separations.

  • Satisfying ASTM D8396 Requirements Paradigm GCxGC-FID

    This application note describes how to use a simple workflow with the LECO Paradigm system to fulfill the requirements of the ASTM D8396 test method to quantitatively determine mass % of total n-paraffins, iso-paraffins, naphthenes, 1-ring aromatics, and 2-ring aromatics using reverse-fill flush flow modulated comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–flame ionization detection (GCxGC-FID). Understanding of bulk composition is crucial for fast-track certification of synthetic aviation fuels as outlined in ASTM D4054, and the more accurate group-type analysis results provided by GCxGC assist with streamlining the acceptance process.


Assista aos nossos vídeos mais recentes em combustíveis.